Team Members

Erez Shor, PhD
PhD Biomedical Eng,
BSc Msc Electrical Eng
Previously VP Products (VisionMap)
Ilana Fishman
VP Regulatory and Clinical Operations
BSc Mechanical Eng, Msc Chemical Eng, MBA
>20 years experience in clinical dev/operations

Gilad Lerman, PhD
BSc Msc PhD Applied Physics
Previously NYU Neuroscience, Medtronic
Physicist and ML researcher

Matan Ben David, MD
Medical Director
Consultant HPB and General Surgery

Noam Taichler, CPA, MBA
Eileen Ke
VP Business Development
MS Finance, MBA
>12 years in marketing and commercial strategy

Board of Directors

Shai Policker
CEO of MEDX Xelerator
Matan Ben David, MD
Founder, Board Member
Consultant HPB and General Surgery

Erez Shor, PhD
CEO, Board Member
CEO of Exero Medical

Amir Kraitzer, PhD
Founder, Observer
Biomaterials expert
Founder and CTO @ Medibrane
Sharon Kaplan
Director of Tech Transfer, Medical Devices, Clalit/ Mor Technologies
Scientific Advisory Board
Prof. Nir Wasserberg, MD
Scientific Advisor
Professor of Surgery
Chairman, the Israeli Society of CRS Director, division of Colorectal Surgery, Rabin Medical Center
Prof. Charles Knowles, MD PhD
Scientific Advisor
Professor of Surgery
and Consultant Surgeon
Director, UK National
Bowel Research Center
Deborah Nagle, MD
Scientific Advisor
Chief, division of Colon and Rectal Surgery @ Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University